Headline fonts.


Shown here are a few typographic explorations. One is a Tuscan that I found on a shopfront in Eton, etched in glass. I took photos and redrew the missing characters. The threedimensional letters were created for SG Blocks, a company that re-uses shipping containers to build houses of all kinds. – I like traditional well-designed typefaces, but when it comes to display typefaces we can take some liberties that would be out of place for text faces. A good use are magazine spreads where the intricate detail really can stand out.

If you need a typographic headline solution that stands out, then I can help you. Previous clients include Tata Communications, CHAOS fashion, JLL, and Coca-Cola.

The colourful letters were for a collaboration between CHAOS fashion and The Walt Disney Company. There was one colour matching alphabet for each of the Mickey & Friends characters. The cases themselves came in 18 colours.


Tata Communications and F1: 100 races book

